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Analysis of Factors Affecting Work- Life Balance: The Case of Corporate Sector Managers in Sri Lanka
W.A.M.S.U. Gunawardena
Year of Publish -2019
Month - June
ISBN : - 978-93-86785-31-2
Download : - ****


The concern about work-life balance has become a key consideration among the employees all over the world irrespective of the industry that they work in the main emphasis has been drawn towards achieving a good work-life balance. This may be because it is apparent that work-life balance has a direct impact on the quality of life, work and personal well-being. With the increase of intense competition in corporate arena corporate sector employees experience more problems in maintaining effective work-life balance than other professionals due to long working hours, heavy work schedules, and on the other hand increase in dual-earner couples, child and/or elder care responsibilities and less support from the family.

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