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International politics
Dr. Deepak ,Dr. Krishan Kumar
Year of Publish -2020
Month - June
ISBN : - 978-93-86785-40-4
Download : - ****


International relations, as it is presented in the flow of daily news, concern a large number of disparate events: leaders are meeting, negotiations are concluded, wars are started, and acts of terror committed, and so on. In order to make sense of all this information we need to know a lot about the contemporary world and its history; we need to understand how all the disparate events hang together. At university, we study these topics, but it is a basic tenet of the academic study of international politics that this rather messy picture can be radically simplified. Instead of focusing on the flow of daily news, we focus on the basic principles underlying it. This is what we will try to do in this chapter. So, let us begin by thinking big: what is international relations, how was it made, and how did it come to be that way?

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