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Indian Foreign Policy and Economy Development
Dr. Deepak , Dr. RAKESH
Year of Publish -2020
Month - July
ISBN : - 978-93-86785-42-8
Development of Nation-States and increasing interactions among them has resulted into formation of foreign policy in the modern times.
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Development of Nation-States and increasing interactions among them has resulted into formation of foreign policy in the modern times. Establishment of United Nations and process of decolonization that has liberated many states into sovereign entities have further provided impetus to interrelationships among states. There is certain unanimity among scholars and statesmen on necessity of a foreign policy for each state, since no state will like to function in complete isolation from rest of the world. Feliks Gross said that even a decision to have no relations with a particular state is also a foreign policy or, in other words, not to have a definite foreign policy is also a foreign policy.

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