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Waste Land Management
Year of Publish -2020
Month - July
ISBN : - 978-93-86785-41-1
The world today faces varied problems of population explosion, ecological disequilibrium and pollution, energy crises, urbanization, industrialization, so called “globalization” and regional disparities.
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The world today faces varied problems of population explosion, ecological disequilibrium and pollution, energy crises, urbanization, industrialization, so called “globalization” and regional disparities. Their cumulative impact on the land including agricultural activities has various universal implications. Our present day dilemma, relates to available limited land, exploding population and intensification of scientific and technological researches and innovation to mobilize, intensify and manage land resources to the advantage of few and the consequent rise of “island of affluence” and amidst “oceanic all round poverty” and “regional disparties”.

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